
2x intern designing for a non-profit biotech company.
I tackled 40+ tickets while working in 2 week sprints and contributed significantly to the design of Addgene over the course of 2 internships (11 months). I've listed a few projects that I've worked on during my time working at Addgene (but not all). Please ask me about my design system work, e-book creation, and accessibility audits!
Product Design Intern / Co-op
Product Design Intern (Me!)
Product Designer
Product Manager
Senior Product Designer
5 months (Aug 2024 - Dec 2024)
6 months (Jul 2023 - Dec 2023)
Figma, Jira, Miro
Add Plasmids UXBrowse Plasmids Catalog PageBrowse Plasmids RedesignEducational Resources RedesignReflection
A few shoutouts from my lovely team!
🧫 Add Plasmids UX
Task Overview
Simplify the existing user flow of adding plasmids in the online deposit flow for scientists.
3 weeks
Product Value
✸ Depositing materials is a significant portion of Addgene's main service
✸ Adding plasmids is one of the most common use cases
✸ Decreased time taken to add plasmids
✸ Reduced confusion on interactions throughout this flow

Scientists often get lost in the add plasmids process, growing confused and frustrated

In the original design on the mainsite, scientists must navigate an outdated design flow. Many of the visual design elements like buttons were inconsistent. But, the largest problem was the way the information was currently all displayed, making it hard to distinguish what a user should complete first, second, and last.


The desired main flow:

Iteration #1: Dividing each step into 4 separate pages

Iteration #2: Combining all steps into one page and including an “actions” modal
Collaborating with my Project Manager to refine with error states
To further enhance the required interactions on this page, I worked with my PM to establish when and where the user needed to be reminded for error states. I also looked to our existing patterns to ensure consistency across the styling.
A single page that is clearly ordered, interactive, and includes live feedback!

I landed on my final design based by combining the areas from each exploration I liked! This final design also was technically feasible and built off existing design patterns we had.

🔖 Browse Plasmids Catalog Page
Task Overview
Create a Browse Plasmids Catalog page that fits in with the catalog page system.
2 weeks
Product Value
✸ Scientists interested in depositing materials or learning more about what Addgene offers use the various catalog pages to browse
✸ Improved scalability and consistency
The system of catalog pages can be confusing!!

The goal was for each offering of Addgene (Plasmids, Viral Service, Antibodies, Pooled Libraries, and Plasmid Kits) to have their own catalog browsing pages. However, given how the original pages were set up, they prevented this organization from being possible. Thus, this led me to combine 2 existing redesigned pages to become the singular Plasmids Catalog Page.

Working with the content team

Because of the changing needs of the catalog pages and the growing company, I worked with content to finalize all of the writing in the page and the information architecture.

A centralized Browse Plasmids Catalog Page with elements from existing pages

The final design:
👩‍🔬 Browse Plasmids Redesign
Task Overview
Redesign the outdated Browse Plasmids page
2 weeks
Product Value
✸ Redesign is live (
✸ Set up future catalog pages for success (such as the Browse Plasmids Catalog Page project above!)
✸ Improved user experience on page
✸ Increased scalability by creating a repeatable design pattern used across all catalog pages (leaf)

Scientists or educations interested in learning more struggle to navigate the various browsing pages

On the mainsite, there are several browse pages (such as Browse Plasmids) that are meant to help make searching quicker and more approachable. But the unorganized structure of the current pattern makes little sense, making navigation difficult.

Redesigning all the browsing pages to improve the experience (starting with plasmids!)

I wanted to modernize the page to feel more aligned with current design standards while making it concise and easy to navigate. One method to do this was checking in with the content team to find out what information was absolutely necessary and what could be cut out.

I also wanted to make a well designed template with repeatable patterns so all the following browsing pages can follow!

Old design

- Hard to scan
- Not visually engaging

Exploring layouts and styles

I explored different layouts keeping in mind composition, readability, and scalability (using the same template for future pages like this one).

After receiving feedback, I narrowed it down to these 3 directions and the final design eventually came down to 1. Vertical List of Links (treated as buttons) which were stylized in a new way but uses existing components like link text size, color etc. This pattern would also be used on other parts of the consumer facing site.

Finding the most clear and accessible hover state

The hover states for these buttons needed to be differentiable enough from the default state and pass AAA accessibility guidelines. This led to 1. blue stroke, white background, and blue text style.

✏️ Educational Resources Page
Task Overview
Redesign the outdated Educational Resources page
3 weeks
Product Value
✸ Frequently visited page by professors and students
✸ Promotes one of Addgene's services (educational resources)
✸ Approved by stakeholders and set to be delivered next year
✸ Improved user experience and branding of company

Deterring foot traffic and falling behind the company's growing design

The Education Resources page on the Addgene site is extremely important for students, teachers, and anyone interested in learning more about the biology field; It is one of the most frequently visited pages. However, the original webpage design was lacking and needed to be updated to better align with its purpose.

Old design

- Not visually engaging
- Unfitting for branding
- Wordy
- Outdated copy

Figuring out layout

I experimented with different layouts to eventually come to a 3x2 card view which was the most digestible and visually clean. I also created new illustrations to add to the page.

Card view

- Easily scannable
- Less design real estate

List view

- More room
- Efficient and compact

2x3 Cards

- More space between
cards and within cards

3x2 Cards

- Follows old pattern
- Fits more in one screen

Final design

Main takeaways from my internships
💼 Balancing different feedback, especially those that are conflicting, is challenging. But, in a collaborative environment where everyone of different background and expertise has the same goal as you (to make the best final product!), it's important to keep as much of that feedback in mind. I would always try to integrate feedback from design, product, engineering, marketing, content, stakeholders, and whoever else was involved in a project and made sure to communicate what couldn't be integrated and why.

⚡️ Exploring different design directions is what leads to the best, final product. If you never branch out to try new ideas, you may be stuck with the same solution. I would always create many variations at the start to allow for the most creative ideas to come out!

Check out my other work!
An entertainment app that strengthens community over collaboration and synced actions
Empowering students to customize their plan of study by leading new end to end features
Created patterns and hi-fi prototypes for enterprise-grade design systems, improving scalability and consistency